Weasis Download

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After having set up dcm4chee w/ TLS encryption and gleefully performing a few dcmsnds or dcmqrs, you may find yourself a bit frustrated to discover that Weasis no longer seems to work with dcm4chee via weasis-pacs-connector.

Weasis is a Java-based application with a highly modular architecture, designed to help those working in medical fields view and analyze images and patient information contained in DICOM files. The app is fully portable, making it possible to place it on any removable storage device, along with the DICOM. Download the binary package Packages are built automatically once a day and can be downloaded below or from a maven dependency. Weasis-i18n-dist-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT zip or war: is compatible from Weasis 1.1.x to 3.6.2. Weasis is a free medical DICOM viewer used in healthcare by hospitals, health networks, multicenter research trials, and patients. General information Download binary releases.

Weasis Viewer Download

Note: This is a follow-up article to setting up dcm4chee w/ TLS. Also, the below has only been tested with dcm4chee2.x.

Weasis working with TLS (launched from dcm4chee-web3).

In my case, this was because the C-FIND's that weasis-pacs-connector uses to tell Weasis the uri's of the images it needs to download aren't by default setup to use TLS. Opening up dcm4chee's log, you should see some error's to that effect. This is a bit frustrating given that weasis-pacs-connector runs on the *same box* *via* dcm4chee and so presumably shouldn't need this extra layer of authentication. Alas this is not the case.

Luckily, weasis-pacs-connector does come with config options to enable TLS. However, I found the setup to be a bit tricky, as the config syntax differs greatly between the current weasis-pacs-connector version (the master branch found here), and v5.0.1 which is the latest pre-compiled version available on sourceforge, as of this writing, so I decided to write up some instructions.

Step 1: Download the correct properties file

The first step is to copy weasis-connector-default.properties from the correct branch of the weasis-pacs-connector git repo, rename it to weasis-pacs-connector.properties, and place this file in the appropriate folder according to your JBoss / Wildfly version, as described in the docs here.

On my system, running jboss inferior to version 7, the location is $DCM4CHEE/server/default/conf/.

If you are using weasis-pacs-connector v5.0.1, then the direct link to the properties file is here. If you are using the latest master branch version (which I am told will in the near future become v6.x), the link is here. Again, be careful to get this right as this file has changed quite a bit between v5.0.1 and the current latest version.

The next step differs based on your version of weasis-pacs-connector.

Step 2 for weasis-pacs-connector v5.0.1

If you've download the correct weasis-pacs-connect.properties file then this step will be rather self-explanatory, as the options related to turning on TLS are already referenced within this file. Simply uncomment / edit so that they match with the details of your install. My file looks like this:

Step 2 for weasis-pacs-connector 'v6.x' / 'current' master

Note: These are directions for the 'latest' (at the time of this writing) version of weasis-pacs-connector grabbed directly from the master branch of the git repo (again, as it was at the time of this writing) and built from source. I have been told this version will soon become v6.x, however, as these instructions are against the ‘latest' master which has not yet been tagged with an official release version, they may become quickly outdated. So take the below with a grain of salt and continue to refer to the official docs.

Weasis viewer

Weight chair scale. If you've already downloaded the correct weasis-connector-default.properties file the next step is to download dicom-dcm4chee.properties from the same git repo and plop it into the same directory as weasis-pacs-connector.properties. However you must rename it such that it is not named one of:

as these are *already* packaged with the weasis-pacs-connector war archive and the settings in these files (which do *not* enable TLS) will override your custom defined file if it has one these names. My file is named dicom-dcm4chee-local.properties.

Make the appropriate edits for your system. My file looks like: Universal time to mountain time.

Finally, open up weasis-pacs-connector.properties and make sure this file is properly referenced, like so:

Step 3: Restart dcm4chee

Restart dcm4chee and open up a dicom archive w/ Weasis via dcm4chee-web3 or otherwise, it should now work w/ TLS.

Random troubleshooting

Weboasis download for windows 10

Weight chair scale. If you've already downloaded the correct weasis-connector-default.properties file the next step is to download dicom-dcm4chee.properties from the same git repo and plop it into the same directory as weasis-pacs-connector.properties. However you must rename it such that it is not named one of:

as these are *already* packaged with the weasis-pacs-connector war archive and the settings in these files (which do *not* enable TLS) will override your custom defined file if it has one these names. My file is named dicom-dcm4chee-local.properties.

Make the appropriate edits for your system. My file looks like: Universal time to mountain time.

Finally, open up weasis-pacs-connector.properties and make sure this file is properly referenced, like so:

Step 3: Restart dcm4chee

Restart dcm4chee and open up a dicom archive w/ Weasis via dcm4chee-web3 or otherwise, it should now work w/ TLS.

Random troubleshooting

Possible problems:

  • If you changed the AE title of your dcm4chee instance, make sure to make the appropriate adjustments in the weasis-pacs-connector config files. If this is the case Weasis will fail to load studies TLS mode or not.

Weasis is a multipurpose standalone and web-based DICOM viewer with a highly modular architecture. It is a very popular clinical viewer used in healthcare by hospitals, health networks, multicenter research trials, and patients.

Weasis DICOM viewer is cross-platform, free/libre and open source software (FLOSS), multi-language and allows a flexible integration to PACS, RIS, HIS or PHR. This multi-platform DICOM viewer runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Sourcetree not opening. It allows high-quality renderings with high performance through the OpenCV library.

It has been designed to meet several expectations of clinical information systems and their future evolution regarding medical imaging: providing web-based access to radiological images, as well as covering a considerable number of DICOM types and offering multimedia capabilities.

Weasis can display the content of most DICOM files including multi-frame, enhanced, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MIME Encapsulation, SR, PR, KOS, AU, RT and ECG. It has a high level of DICOM implementation, see the viewer features.

Weasis Download

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Weasis Viewer Download

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